Thursday April 24, 2025 12:30pm - 2:00pm PDT
Though nearly half of the American population identifies as an introvert, our society has an “extrovert ideal” that often excludes introverts from the conversation. This workshop will discuss why organizational change is necessary and provide practical tools that introverts can immediately implement to find their voice, be heard, and confidently share their introvert power.
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Sheila Oh

Teaching Professor and Director, Computer Science Fundamentals Certificate Program, Seattle University
Sheila is a faculty member of Seattle University's Computer Science department and directs the career change certificate program in computer science fundamentals at Seattle University, a part-time program that prepares students with no prior computer science background to enter the masters program in computer science. She also serves as the faculty advisor for the Women in Technology (ACM-W) club at Seattle... Read More →
Thursday April 24, 2025 12:30pm - 2:00pm PDT
Amazon Day One

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